Word! All-Day Twitch Party Celebrating Hip-Hop Lit! Rich Medina, Davey D, Rocky Rivera Headline Worldwide Block Party online March 27, 2021!
We Gon' Be Alright Digital Series Premieres May 14!
Who We Be Class + Exhibition Open March 30th!
Jeff's Interviews & Reviews, Week 5 Week 5 of the tour brought the Ferguson non-indictment and Obama's immigration executive orders. All the links to this week's words and more are below...
Jeff's Interviews & Reviews, Weeks 2-4! It just gets better and better...weeks 2, 3, and 4 brought another flood of words. Here's the list...
Jeff's Interviews & Reviews, Week 1 Launch Edition! Who We Be got off to a great start this week with lots of notice and some great interviews...here's the list.
Jeff's 2015 Articles, Interviews, & Reviews, Part 1
Complete List of 2014 Tour Dates All the dates that fit, plus a few more...
Who We Be Drops October 21st! + The First Interviews Pub day arrives and Jeff gets on camera...
We Gon’ Be Alright
Notes On Race and Resegregation
Visit: bealright.net

"The smartest book of the year."

-Carlos Lozada, Washington Post

Northern California Independent Booksellers Association Book of the Year

In these provocative, powerful essays acclaimed writer/journalist Jeff Chang (Can’t Stop Won’t Stop, Who We Be) takes an incisive and wide-ranging look at the recent tragedies and widespread protests that have shaken the country. rough deep reporting with key activists and thinkers, passionately personal writing, and distinguished cultural criticism, We Gon’ Be Alright links #BlackLivesMatter to #OscarsSoWhite, Ferguson to Washington D.C., the Great Migration to resurgent nativism. Chang explores the rise and fall of the idea of “diversity”, the roots of student protest, changing ideas about Asian Americanness, and the impact of a century of racial separation in housing. He argues that resegregation is the unexamined condition of our time, the undoing of which is key to moving the nation forward to racial justice and cultural equity.